Karatsuba’s algorithm
What’s the fastest way to multiply two n-digit numbers? Well, that depends on n, but maybe I’ll show you something that you didn’t know was possible. To multiply them with less operations that you would do in the digit-by-digit multiplication.
To multiply two n-digit numbers, you have to do single digit multiplications. That’s obvious — you have to multiply each digit of one numba to each digit of the other one. There’s no way around it. When this factoid was mentioned by Andrei Kolomogorov in a seminar in 1960, one of his students was audacious enough to not take it for granted.
This student was named Anatoly Karatsuba and he managed to find a way to multiply numbers faster than it was assumed possible. He found the first algorithm to multiply numbers faster then multiplying them classicly thus opening the gates for algorithm development and improvements in an area that everyone until then had considered done and solved.
The breakthrough
So what did Karatsuba notice that no one else had?
Consider 26 and 43. To multiply them classically you would do the following:
26 * 43 ----------------------- 6*3 = 18 6*4 = 24 2*3 = 6 2*4 = 8 ----------------------- 1118
That’s four single-digit multiplications as the counter on the left shows. This distribution can be expressed via the following formula where :
OK, let’s switch to something more abstract. Denote the first number by and its digits by and . Similarly the second number will be represented by and we obtain this:
What Karatsuba noticed about this simple expression was that coefficients by the term can be expressed using one multiplication and the other coefficients:
So we get this strange algorithm. First calculate and . Then, instead of calculating and we multiply and reuse the previous results to get what we were missing:
And that’s the key. We did three multiplications instead of four.
The algo
In practice this is used for large numbers. and will not actually be single digits, but the first half and the second half digits of the numbers. And will be whatever it takes to make work. And , of course.
With those definitions in mind, do three multiplications to calculate these three numbers:
And obtain the result:
But wait! I forgot to mention that this algorithm should be used recursively. If the numbers involved to calculate those z’s above are large, you should do the involved multiplications using the Karatsuba algorithm.
Let’s multiply 416001 by 719028. We will fall back to the classic multiplication algorithm for numbers below 10000.
We split 416001 into 416 and 001; and 719028 into 719 and 028. We will also drop the leading zeros right away turning 001 and 028 into 1 and 28 respectively.
The display starts by calculating the z0, z1 and z2 and putting them together to calculate the result. The values of involved multiplications are calculated below, you can use the orange links to highlight a calculation. You can see the counter for individual multiplications on the left hand side.
416001 * 719028 ----------------------- z0 = 1 * 28 = 0 z1 = 1 + 416 * 28 + 719 - z0 - z2 = 0 z2 = 416 * 719 = 0 ----------------------- z2*10^(2*3) + z1*10^3 + z0 = 0
1 * 28 ----------------------- 1*8 = 8 1*2 = 2 ----------------------- 28
417 * 747 ----------------------- 7*7 = 49 7*4 = 28 7*7 = 49 1*7 = 7 1*4 = 4 1*7 = 7 4*7 = 28 4*4 = 16 4*7 = 28 ----------------------- 311499
416 * 719 ----------------------- 6*9 = 54 6*1 = 6 6*7 = 42 1*9 = 9 1*1 = 1 1*7 = 7 4*9 = 36 4*1 = 4 4*7 = 28 ----------------------- 299104
This multiplication took only 20 steps because we simplified some of the
numbers with leading zeros. If we hadn’t done this step and just done
multiplications with all the digits of 001, we’d have done nine
single-digit multiplications in each of the sub-steps and need to do 27
multiplications in total. In the worst case we might’ve also gotten two 4-digit
numbers in the z1
calculation which would’ve required 16 instead of 9
multiplications, bringing the total 34.
But even with these simplifications taken away, we still have a slight edge as the classic digit-by-digit multiplication would’ve required to do 36 multiplications.
You can try out the same visualization with different (larger!) numbers here.
Other algos
The classic digit-by-digit algorithm requires multiplications. And some additions as well, but it can be estimated to run in .
The number of operations (time complexity) of Karatsuba’s algorithm can be estimated to be (the big theta is a bit more precise than the big o as it’s also bounded from below).
As Karatsuba revealed that the multiplication can be beaten, it opened a flood of other attempts.
Soon Andrei Toom proposed and Stephen Cook refined a variation where the numbers would be split in more than 2 parts. Under this interpretation Karatsuba’s algorithm becomes Toom-2, splitting into three parts is referred to as Toom-3 (or sometimes just Toom-Cook) and so on. The complexity evaluation is hard for arbitrary Toom-k algorithm, but Toom-3 runs in .
In 1971 Arnold Schönhage and Volker Strassen came up with an idea to multiply integers by multiplying polynomials which can be sped up by then recently popularized fast Fourier transforms. Their algorithm works in and it was the fastest multiplication algorithm for large numbers until 2007. They conjectured that multiplication can be done in .
This bound was reached in 2019 by David Harvey and Joris van der Hoeven who used multi-dimensional (1729-dimensional to be precise, what a taxicab coincidence) FFTs. But it is still unknown whether is truly the best we can do.
It must also be noted that all of these algorithms have significant overhead and the more complex algorithms are faster only for very large numbers. The Karatsuba and Toom-Cook algorithms are used for numbers consisting of hundreds or thousands of digits. The Schönhage–Strassen algorithm is usually used for numbers that have at least tens of thousands of digits. And it is used for billions of digits as well. The newer algorithms are so complex that they only reach the asymptotic complexity for impractically large numbers and are not used in any software, at least until futher polishing.
Publicēts 2023-01-08